FOCM Welcomes David Fairbrother

While working at the 2014 Partnerships in Clinical Trials conference in Las Vegas, it was deemed that David Fairbrother, VP of  Business Development at Kellman Pharmaceutical Services (KPS) was worthy of induction into FOCM.  Please note that I am not yawning in the picture, but am shouting with excitement at this momentous occasion.  All gambling in the Mirage casino came to a stop to watch this event.

David Fairbrother joins FOCM
David Fairbrother joins FOCM



Support FOCM Member in London Marathon Fundraiser


A friend of mine in the UK, Daniel Chapple will be running in the 2015 London Marathon to raise money for his step-dad who recently passed away.  Daniel’s Mom and step-dad have been long term supporters of Guide Dogs and a memorial fund has been established. If you are interested, you can donate at the link below.  Note – the amounts are in British currency:  20 pounds = $34.00

Tickets to Styx and Foreigner in Charlotte


FOCM Member Sheryle Browne has 4 tickets to see Styx and Foreigner in Charlotte on Saturday, May 31 and she can no longer use them.

They are in Section 1, Row V, seats 23-26.  She is asking face value of $55/ticket.  The tickets have not yet been printed so if someone lives in Charlotte, they could be printed by themselves with Sheryle’s info.

Please contact me via: or call/text to: 919-625-7731


How to Keep a Customer

saw this in written by Jeff Haden entitled:  8 Things That Will Send Customers Packing

 If your long-term customers are leaving–and not coming back–you’re probably making one of these mistakes.

Your most profitable customers are almost always long-term customers.

Don’t lose them by making any of the following mistakes:

1. Change too many players. It’s tempting to assume long-term customers love your brand. More often than not they love your employees.

Customers don’t buy from companies. They buy from people—your people.

Since relationships are the lifeblood of a small business, don’t rotate salespeople, customer service reps, or key contacts unless you have to. Do everything possible to protect and foster the relationships your employees forge. Employees are rarely interchangeable where strong business relationships with customers are concerned.

2. Treat new and existing customers too differently. Offering discounts or incentives to land new customers is often necessary, but existing customers can quickly resent the fact their loyalty is not rewarded.

Think hard about the carrots you offer new customers and make sure you “reward” existing customers just as much—if not more. Never forget that while new customers create an immediate top-line impact, sales to existing customers typically result in a bigger impact on your bottom line.

3. Focus too heavily on price. Being the low-cost provider is a definite competitive advantage.

Good luck maintaining that advantage. Somewhere, someone is planning to steal your customers through lower prices.

Your goal is to provide the best value. Value is an advantage you can maintain through a combination of price, schedule, service, and relationships. If your marketing focuses mostly on price you’ll train customers to constantly look for a lower price, both from you and your competition.

Spend at least as much time finding ways to increase value as you do finding ways to lower costs and prices.

4. Push too hard to grow same-customer revenue. Trying to sell more to existing customers is smart, but don’t do so blindly. First know what each customer needs and only then try to meet those needs. Never suggest a product or service a customer doesn’t need.

And never ask, “Is there anything else we could do for you?” unless you already know the answer and are ready to provide a great solution.  Otherwise you’re just pushing, and customers hate being pushed.

5. Accept high employee turnover. While high turnover is a fact of life in a few industries, in most cases employees leave because they aren’t treated well.

So do customers.

Unless systems truly drive your business, you can’t expect to have long-term customers unless you first have long-term employees. If turnover is high, find ways to fix it. Otherwise customer turnover will always be high, too.

6. Forget what keeps the lights on. Every business has principal products or services that form the foundation of the business. Every business also has key customers that form a foundation.

Over time key products and services—and key customers—can get taken for granted while newer, sexier, higher profile initiatives get all the focus.

Make a list of the customers you can’t afford to lose. Then list what those customers buy. That list is the foundation of your business.

Never forget what keeps your lights on.

7. Reward the wrong employee behaviors. This happens most often in sales, like when commission rates are much higher for new customers than existing customers. If that’s the case and I’m a salesman, why should I work to maintain existing accounts when I get paid a lot more to find new ones? That approach only works if your systems ensure someone else takes over the responsibility for forging great relationships with existing customers.

Think about the incentives you provide and goals you set for your employees, and make sure they encourage the outcomes you really want.

8. Make problem resolution painful. Policies and guidelines are great for ensuring that employees comply, but a customer with a problem doesn’t care about your policies. She just wants her problem fixed.

Let employees use complaint-resolution policies as guidelines rather than rules. Give employees the freedom to make judgment calls.

Resolving a customer problem or complaint can help your business establish an even stronger customer relationship when you give employees the freedom to make that happen.

FOCM Member Publicity

FOCM Member Alicia Kelley stars in a commercial touting North Carolina’s business successes.  Alicia has been instrumental in helping with the FOCM logo and website development.  She recently guided FOCM through the process of trademarking the FOCM Networking logo.  Click on the link below to see her commercial.

How networking affects business projects

The Harvard Business Review Blog Network wrote how hub and spoke networks where companies (or people) aren’t allowed to interact directly with others in the network or alliance negatively impacts productivity and enhacements.

Thanks to FOCM Member Andrew Smith for sharing this with me.