January 27, 2016 – I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the Houston, TX area for a PRA National Sales Meeting and they’d invited vendors that they partner with or were considering partnering with.
As is my custom, I email everyone I know in the area when I’m traveling and invite them to meet me for drinks/dinner. I was very fortunate that former co-worker Lori Engallina Smith and her husband Wayne Smith joined me that night, along with my co-workers. I’ve known Lori since 2002 when I first joined ICON Clinical Research’s Interactive Technologies Group. This was my first meeting of Wayne. Wonderful people, great Americans. The ceremony was powerful, such excitement and thrills. I forget the name of the restaurant, but it was a Mexican restaurant -shocking, I know.
Welcome Lori and Wayne as card carrying members of FOCM!

And the following day at the PRA meeting, I ran into Dorothy Brown, yes, THE Dorothy Brown. We’d worked together at Quintiles in the early 2000’s. Not that long ago, really, no really, it wasn’t, well it doesn’t feel like it was that long ago.