Quotes out of Context

Another series of quotes noted and shared here that are shown completely out of context from the business meeting in which they were heard.

He’s a champion vegetable grower,
– John Schneider

Is it the size of his vegetables?
– Erica Hill

This is the kind of thing you can read on the plane or something like that.
– John Schneider

I probably couldn’t handle 60 emails a day.
– John Schneider

Gonna spend a lot of time herding cats.
– Lee King

You can’t read this.
– Lee King

I’d be a moron if I didn’t talk about this circle.
– Lee King

All we need is 300 RFPs and it will get us to $500 million and we’ll be happy.
– Lee King

The heart – can’t live without it.
– Lee King

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Background: This all started at a US Sales meeting and in order to stay focused on what was being said, I started writing down the business cliches, like “let’s circle the wagons”, “let’s table that”, “always be closing” and then count how many times they were said. As I began paying attention, I would hear a phrase that was appropriate for the context in which it was said, but wow, it sure was amusing to see the phrase just sitting there by itself. That lead me to put them into a slide show show so the phrase was seen in its purest form along with the person who said it.  As this practice became known, the slide set became the unofficial and humorous wrap-up presentation, kind of a summary of the things stated over the course of the meeting.

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