As many of you know, one of the founding principles of FOCM Networking is “patience”. Patience is required in several forms – patience to earn/receive your FOCM membership card and patience to wait for events to be posted to the international world wide web public record. This posting is one such example. On July 15, 2015 in one of the most emotional ceremonies ever – Brian Horan received his FOCM Membership card. As I recall (and since it’s been so long, none of those in attendance can really remember how it actually happened), there was nary a dry eye to be seen. Join me in welcoming Brian Horan.

Present at that evening’s event which occurred at Serena’s on Miami Blvd in Durham, NC were (front row then back row and left to right): Michelle Pasiecznik, Brad Johnson, Pippa Wilson, Lauren Jones, Christina Alexander Smith, Brian Horan, Nick Macaulay, Rosina Pavia, Renee Brown, Jennifer Ausland, Sharon Braddy, Bernie Linner, a photo bomber and Lisa Monette.